Mrs Louise Handley

Tēnā koutou katoa

Kō Mount Taranaki te maunga

Kō Whanganui te awa

Kō Aotea te waka

Kō Kai Iwi te marae

Kō Ngā Rauru te iwi

Kō Louise Handley taku ingoa

Nō Parawai ahau

Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā

koutou, tēnā rā tātou katoa

My name is Louise Handley and I am very excited to be joining the leadership team at Mangakōtukutuku College, opening in 2024. I have been the Deputy Principal at Melville Intermediate school for the past two years and am grateful for the opportunities I have had and the relationships I have developed with our students, staff and the community. 

I have a background in classroom teaching, sport, curriculum and team leadership at Intermediate schools in Christchurch and Hamilton. Prior to joining Melville Intermediate, I was a Practice leader for the Hamilton RTLB cluster. During this time, I completed my Master’s Degree in Specialist Teaching at Waikato University. I am passionate about developing inclusive approaches that meet the needs of all our ākonga and strengthening partnerships between home and school. 

I am married to Mike and have two children who are currently living overseas. I recently moved to Raglan and enjoy being in nature, swimming and the beach. I’m really looking forward to being a part of the leadership at our new school.